"Directory2 - songs of love and war"

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"What's left after what one isn't is taken away is what one is." (Diane Arbus)
Words are hollowed out stones and letters empty catacombs. Strung together in an abecedarian way they form the history of our times. I am talking to you, I write to you. You are my other me that attracts my words even before they are thought. The myths are asleep in the words since a long time, the caves are the shelters of their dreams. We are two: two faces within a body or two bodies within a face. The caves are expressions of our times, they shelve under our path. With every step a little story groans under our feet. If we fall we become part of their dreams, we read their cries and whispers. We can listen to them. If we hear something, even a softly whispered word, we know they're still asleep and haven't been suffocated in their stony walls.
In our memory a scene becomes alive. It is casual, seems rather a movement than an image. The scene is a picture of a scene. We are able to listen to it, to touch it, to smell it. The scene is alive, a life that perceives movement without any promiss of endurance or continuity. A casual scene, a movement, a life's inert disorder. In the beginnig of writing, we start to be able to read letters like images. Every life repeats this moment, the fatal return. Writing, reading, telling and hearing narrations of bodies. Sometimes they bear our name.
Stimme: Gillian Carson
Koproduktion: BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen, Schaubuehne Lindenfels Leipzig and Tanzfabrik Berlin. With special thanks to Westend05 - know your rights.
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Kattrin Deufert (*1973) works as director, author and video artist. She was founding member of Breakthrough and of Diskursive Poliklinik (DPK) Berlin. Under the label of frankfurter küche (Leipzig) Kattrin Deufert works since 2003 exclusivly with Thomas Plischke as artist twin "deufert + plischke" in several theatre projects, dia and video installations, as well as text and video publications. In 2000 she presented her doctorial theses at Freie Universität Berlin about "John Cage's Theater of Presence". During the 1990s she studied Theatre, Film, and Media Studies in Frankfurt.
Since 2001 she produced together with Thomas Plischke among other theatre works the performances "inexhaustible (RW)", "Directory" und "As if (it was beautiful)".
Thomas Plischke (*1971) works as director, author and video artist. He was founding member of B.D.C. Under the label of frankfurter küche (Leipzig) Thomas Plischke works since 2003 exclusivly with Thomas Plischke as artist twin "deufert + plischke" in several theatre projects, dia and video installations, as well as text and video publications. IN 1998 Thomas Plischke was awarded with the Phillip Morris Scholarship as "most outstanding Performer" und 2000 with the Tanz Förderpreis of the city of Munich. During the 1990s Thomas Plischke choreographed the solo works "Fleur", "Demgegenüber Borniertheit" und "l'homme A SORTIR AVEC son corps" as well as the gorup work "Events for Television (again)" and many more.
Since 2001 he produced together with Kattrin Deufert among other theatre works the performances "inexhaustible (RW)", "Directory" und "As if (it was beautiful)".