LONE TWIN (GB): "Walk With Me Walk With Me Will Somebody Please Walk With Me"

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"They come from England. Bewildered, hopeful, dogged.
I expect they could read the phone book and be funny"
(Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
"Walk With Me Walk With Me Will Somebody Please Walk With Me" is a performative lecture drawing on Lone Twin's recurring use of walking as a central activity in their practice and something of an introduction to the duo's last seven years of international performance making. The presentation responds to ideas of pedestrian knowledge, subjective-geographies, wet feet, sore throats and warm hearts.
Supported by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
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Lone Twin
Gregg Whelan and Gary Winters formed Lone Twin in 1997 to work with performance on ideas of place, context and travel. The company have since created an internationally celebrated body of work, with regular showings across Europe, North America and Australia. Committed to creating entertaining and hopeful performances that remain rewarding to a wide audience, the company's work ranges from context-specific works lasting many days to gallery, studio and stage performances.