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Unfriendly Takeover presents three lecture performances by students that were developed in the scope of seminar with Rabih Mroué. All three projects have not only in common the analysis of the format of the lecture performance, but also they all raise questions about the status of documents as well as about techniques of self-presentation which lecture performances put into use.
Lina Lindheimer: "Spurensuche / Ein Bericht"
"Spurensuche" (tracing down) creates truth and reports on an investigation carried out in public, of which oneself is an accepted part as long as one's own identity does have clear coordinates to offer. "Spurensuche" scrutinizes the reliability of various documents and feigns the possibility of absolute control by pretending full transparency of the given information.
With thanks to: Katharina Bischoff, Philipp Schulte, Rabih Mroué
Malte Scholz: "Don't forget to *** *** ***"
"During a 17 hours shift as a clerk inside a small glass cubicle at the schauspielfrankfurt I developed a performance lecture, that ended up as a bundle of about 22 pages with material ranging from small notes, scribbles and everyday banalities to metadiscussions about lecture performances and the problems of self presentation. All these ideas have been discussed and noted down by me, referring to a piece that is not, but will 'come into being'. Ways and possibilities are introduced in which this lecture could develop and also the problems that come with them. These options take place in words. The rest is up to your imagination."
Tobias Brenk/Mike May: "Photographed by Mike May"
"As a boy Mike went blind after playing with chemicals on an industrial area. Since 2002 he has been cured of his blindness: A microchip implant replaces the damaged retina and is constantly sending light signals to his portable computer. The computer converts the data of Mike's eye and sends electric signals to his nervous system. On the computer, these signals and pictures are storable."
Supported by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
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Lina Lindheimer
was educated as a dancer by Waltraud Luley in Frankfurt on the Main and at the dance academy of the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Arnhem in the Netherlands where she received a diploma in dance. Since 2001 she works as a freelance dancer with choreographers such as Myriam Gourfink, Martin Nachbar, Mart Kangro, and Christina Ciupke. She also choreographed and performed for Herman van Veen. Her first own choreographical work "Berliner Tänzer" (Berlin Dancer) was shown (o.a.) 2004 at the Context#1 festival in the HAU in Berlin. In 2005, "Spurensuche" was created during a guest auditorship at the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen.
Malte Scholz
studied Theatre-, Film- and Media Sciences in Frankfurt/Main. Since 2003/04 he changed his subject to Applied Theatre Studies at Justus Liebig University in Giessen. Since then he was involved in different projects and festivals, working as an assistant/actor/performer and writer for Tim Etchells, Laurent Chétouane, Xavier Le Roy und Rabih Mroué.
Tobias Brenk
studied Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen (Germany) and took part in several projects and seminars under the direction of Prof. Heiner Goebbels, Marina Abramovic, Nik Haffner, Rabih Mroué and Otmar Wagner. During his education, he produced (a.o.) the short film "26 Morgen" (together with Katharina Bischoff), the radio play "Appetito!", the performance "Salon Partisanne - Morgen ist auch ein Tag!" (together with Boris Nikitin and Marcel Schwald), shown at Volksbühne Berlin, the installation "Blackbox. Bitte verlassen Sie den Raum so wie Sie ihn vorzufinden wünschen!" (in cooperation with Eva Chytilek and Franziska Bornkamm), shown at Plateaux Festival Frankfurt, Kampnagel Hamburg, Ruhrtriennale Essen, a.o.