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Tarifa is a small city in the very south of Spain. Ten kilometers of sandy beach, fresh winds and a medieval city center attract a multitude of travellers: Surfers, tourists looking for recreation as well as all sorts of transients from the northern parts of Europe. But that's not all: All the year, but especially around midsummer, at night hundreds of people go the other way around. They come from the Maghreb or subsaharian countries and they are heading northwards by crossing the Straits of Gibraltar by boat and without papers.
The 29 kilometer wide stretch between Tangiers in the north of Morocco and Tarifa keeps the smallest possible distance between Africa and Europe. It cuts one of the most prominent border regions in history filled up with flowery metaphors and bloody >realities, nowadays characterized by high-tech surveillance and bodily resistance.>br>
FADAIAT*// BORDERLINE ACADEMY will take place in Tarifa from June 17th to 26th, 2005. The old castle of "Guzman El Bueno" built in the 9th century will host a series of workshops, seminars, public events, concerts, parties, screenings, shows, theoretical and practical experiments in arts, media and politics.
More than 200 artists and activists from all over Europe and the Mediterranean are expected to meet for an hybrid academy project: FADAIAT*// BORDERLINE ACADEMY will link practices of producing art, culture and technology with current debates on movements, mobility, migration and precarity. It aims to shape new notions of collaboration and activism that reach out beyond traditional patterns of primitive networking, moral binaries and institutional critique.
Workshop "Academy"
Tuesday, 21. June 2005, 12.30 pm
Church of Castle Guzman el Bueno
"When Bucky (Buckminster Fuller) put up his first dome there (at Black Mountain College), and it immediately collapsed, and instead of being unhappy, he was delighted.
He said, I only learn when I have failures. And it reminded me of my father who was an inventor, who also said what Bucky said... that he welcomed failure because that way he was led to his discoveries" (John Cage)
With Florian Schneider, Marten Spangberg, Unfriendly Takeover etc.
Salon: "Academy"
Tuesday, 21. June 2005, 8.00 pm
Courtyard of Castle Guzman el Bueno
So, let's talk about passing knowledge. Again. Academies everywhere. Education is the word of the year not only for politicians and journalists, but as well for arts and activism. It will be one of the major aspects of next documenta, it is the field where you get any money you want from federal foundations. But at the same time, passing knowledge is indeed the most crucial topics. So, let's talk about passing knowledge.
Informal talks and discussions with:
Jacques Ranciere gives a lecture about the "Ignorant Schoolmaster" (on video) , Marten Spangberg introduces the concept of the International Summeracademy in Frankfurt. Susan Kelly (Interface, School of Art and Design, Belfast, Northern Ireland) develops the new Masters Programme "Art and Public". Tom Lamberty knows how the Siemens Management Learning works. Susanne Lang & Florian Schneider (kein.org) talk about Boderline Academy and Open Source as system of knowledge distribution. Unfriendly Takeover sees lecture performance as a way of distributing knowledge between theory and art. And Pirate Cinema believe, that the "knowledge societies" are societies in which everything you ever knew has become someone else's property.
Everybody is invited to bring own ideas, projects, concepts.
Salon: "A song for Borderline Academy"
Commentated DJing
Friday, 23. June 2005
Bring a song with a story/comment/anectode/moral for the Boderline Academy.
Friday, 23. June 2005, 9.00 pm till late
In front of the Church of Castle Guzman el Bueno
Cooking, drinking, music
With Bernhard Schreiner (live), DJs Anke & Heike Schlepe