PIRKKO HUSEMANN (D): "The Absent Presence of Artistic Working Processes. The Lecture as Format of Performance."

>>> Performance text (PDF, engl.)
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>>> Deutsche Fassung
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Since "Product of Circumstances" (1999) by Xavier Le Roy there has been a boom of lecture-performances in the dance world that calls for a theoretical examination. How come so many young directors and choreographers chose to present lectures as performances in the multiple sense of the word: spoken or written texts that are to be listened to or to be read by an audience? The lecture-performance seems to be an interesting format to connect theatre practice and theory, performance and discourse. It is compatible with both, theatre and science and offers the opportunity to reflect on artistic working processes, which usually have their place off-stage by making them a subject on stage. At the same time, it is an artistic statement for not-knowing. Using the lecture as an academic format of teaching and transmitting knowledge in the form of a performance turns it into a clever and playful comment on our society of knowledge.
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Pirkko Husemann studied theatre, film and media in Frankfurt. Currently, she is writing her dissertation on "Choreography as Critical Practice". Since 2001 she works with Xavier Le Roy on "E.X.T.E.N.S.I.O.N.S." and "Project". From 2002 to 2004 she worked with Kattrin Deufert and Thomas Plischke as frankfurter küche (FK).