WAGNER-FEIGL-FORSCHUNG (D): "The Encyclopaedia of Performance Art"

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In the one hour performance "The Encyclopaedia of Performance Art" Wagner-Feigl-Forschung sketch out a complete and all encompassing catalogue of the world.
Researching the fields of performance art in past, present and future in live-action, with rare and very well known photo-, video-, text- and sound footage Wagner-Feigl-Forschung show how all - yes, all !!! - elements of performance art are connected to each other. Developing a systematic organisation of material (objects, tools, "things") and action (use of "things", behaviour, movements) on the most elementary level (material: nail, tomato, recordplayer, .../material: to drink, to pour, to rot, ...), Wagner-Feigl-Forschung present a strictly materialist approach towards performance arts in opposition to ideological and economic (art market) approaches.
Being performance artists and coming from the performance practice Wagner-Feigl-Forschung show how performance art always expanded knowledge about and use of the world and why performance art will be the science of the future.
Kindly supported by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
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Wagner-Feigl-Forschung/Festspiele (Berlin)
Otmar Wagner and Florian Feigl founded the performance art group Wagner-Feigl-Festspiele (WFF) in 1996. Their artistic production since then covers work from varied fields such as live art, performance, installation art, video performance and experimental radio plays. Understanding the own artistic practices as part of a larger process - involving past, present and possible future of performance art - they create pieces of work, which deal with the possibilities of multi-dimensional perspectives as adequate approach and main goal of performance art. Branching out, Wagner-Feigl-Forschung/Research (WFF/R) was founded in 2002 to emphasise the aspects of research within a certain part of their artistic practice.
Projects (selected):
"Warum wir so gute Performances machen" (1998/99), "Quo Vadis" (2001), "Astroport Teglby - Intervention E6" (2002), "ich bin vergänglich: 1-3" (2005), "Through The Eyes Of Angles" (2005)